Talents of Afghanistan is the world’s first virtual gallery for Afghani talents and Artists in Afghanistan.
Its mission is to show that despite (or because) of the extreme conditions of living in the country, one can find many talented people of all ages.
The media always talk about war, but Afghanistan definitely cannot be summed up to that.
So if you are an artist, it is completely free to showcase your work here, as I maintain this site on a voluntary basis. Please do contact me if you are an Afghani Artist or if you live in Afghanistan and want to showcase all or some of your work here.
I will be happy to publish your art, along with your name, a short bio and a photo, and link back to your website if you want to.
Thank you for visiting!
Yvan C. Goudard
Yalda Bahar
Dear Yvan,
At first i would like to tell you, how great it is to see this website and to enjoy of all these art works of
our afghan young generation in Afghanistan. Really amazing!
Secondly i would like to take part of this website and to share some of my works (art), although i dont live in Afghanistan, and i m not as professional as my other brothers and sisters on this website.
Most of my art work is abstract and i use all the materials that i can use for eg. pastel, pencil, watercolour, inkt, and so on.
I would like to join this website and stimulate other afghan artists to follow their passion for art.
Kind regards,
yalda bahar
Yvan C. Goudard
Thank you for your support Yalda.
You are most welcome to send me your biography with a few samples of your work. I will contact you directly by email for more details.
Until then, feel free to fan us on Facebook!
All the best,
Hamid Hemat
Salam Yvan
first of all thank a lot of your nice and great idea to make a website for Afghans and to show Afghan talents, really like it, As you send me this like I see all of them it is amazing, and awesome,
after all I love to join this creative team, I have some painting, drawing, typography, calligraphy, and graphic animation,, also I upload some of my art works in Behance you can find it ( behance.net/hamidhemat ) let me know how can I join this amazing web site,
best wishes,
Yvan C. Goudard
Thank you for your comment and for your encouragements Hamid. It will be a pleasure to have you on board and have another talented artist in this site!
All the best to you!
We are selecting artists in the world
Please send to [email protected]
resume and images of 2011 works of your artists
thank you
vanessa romanov
Yvan C. Goudard
Thank you for this great initiative! I will make sure to pass the message to the talented Afghan artists. Meanwhile, feel free to hand pick relevant artists and paintings on this site. Not many of these artists have an easy access to the internet, as you can imagine, and it may take weeks to reach them. All of the artists presented here have a short bio in “The Artists” section, and you can pin point which are the paintings you would like me to send you by email.
Thank you and best regards,
Sara Mardanzai
Salam Mr. Goudard,
at first I would like to thank you for making such a terrific opportunity possible. I´d like to express my respect to you and all the talented artists of this website.
I would like to join this team. And at this point I also have to say that I am not professional at all (in comparison to the others )and learned drawing (with pencil) by myself. I live in Germany.
Best wishes, Sara Mardanzai
Yvan C. Goudard
Salam Sara,
Thank you so much for your encouraging words and for your support.
At the moment, Talents of Afghanistan is featuring only artists who leave in Afghanistan, as it is not always easy for them to expose their work.
In the near future, I plan to open the website to Afghan artists outside Afghanistan, with the hope they can help organize real exhibitions in the country they live in. So please bear with us.
It is very good that you start with pencil drawing. There is no need to be a professional to do some good work, as long as you have the passion. Many artists cannot live from their work and have a job on the side.
Please feel free to keep in touch!
With my very best wishes
Sara Mardanzai
thank u for ur answer.
I will have to wait, but as soon as ur opened ur website, I will surely send some of my works.
Best wishes, Sara
Yvan C. Goudard
Thank you Sara.
Thank you for your support and understanding. Please do feel free to send me your work anyway, I would be happy to take a look at what your are doing.
All the best to you
Sara Mardanzai
Dear Mr. Goudard,
here are some of my works. I hope u like it 😉
Sara Mardanzai
Dear Mr. Goudard, unfoortunately I can´t send u some examples through posting, cause the pictures are to big for uploading, so could u please give me your email adress. I would like to send u some of examples
Best wishes, Sara
Yvan C. Goudard
Dear Sara,
You can send them to me at [email protected]
Thank you so much for your support.
Hello, I am an artist and would like to join this site to share my work, how do I go about it?
Thank you
Yvan C. Goudard
Hello Moslihh
Thank you for your message.
If you are an artist in Afghanistan you can contact me directly to [email protected] and send me your bio and good quality scans of your work.
Thank you!